UO Community

Throughout our research on the Morningside Hospital story, we have sought to connect the past to the present, and we always consider the relevance of our research for public mental health care today. We are aware that many in our UO and larger communities struggle with distress and we want to share here some trusted local resources. 

We are partnered with the University Counseling Center & JSMA to provide these resources.  Please visit their websites for additional information.  

UCC- https://counseling.uoregon.edu/ 

JSMA Art Heals Program- https://jsma.uoregon.edu/artheals

DuckNest Wellness Center: https://health.uoregon.edu/ducknest 

After-Hour Support and Crisis Line

Please call: 541-346-3227 

Any time the University Counseling Center is closed, a mental health professional is available to provide support and connect you with resources. 

If you are thinking about suicide, call the UCC After-Hours Support and Crisis Line at 541-346-3227 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) now. Or text ‘OREGON’ to 741-741. 

Local Resources

White Bird Clinic–https://whitebirdclinic.org 

Center for Community Counseling–https://www.ccceugene.org/

Hourglass Community Counseling Center–http://www.columbiacare.org/hourglass-community-crisis-center.html

Looking Glass Community Services Counseling Program–https://www.lookingglass.us/counseling-program

Centro Latino Americano Counseling Services–https://centrolatinoamericano.org/services/community-mental-health/


Spotlighted Local Resources


With the national discussion of the role of police in responding to mental health crisis, our local organization, Cahoots, has served as a model for how to respond to mental health crises in a way that de-escalates situations and connects people to appropriate care.”



Mindfreedom supports the self-determination of psychiatric survivors and mental health consumers and advocates for human rights in relation to mental health.



The Oregon Health Authority works to bring the voices and ideas of people with lived experience of the mental health system into statewide policy-making and program development.
